What We Spent in May
As I said above, we managed to stay under budget this month, but it's going to catch up to us next month when we pay for out truck insurance, which was budgeted for this month. It will all work out in the end, I hope. Here's the numbers:
2018 Budget
May Budget
May Spending
Jan-May Spending
Jan-May Budget
$ 5,500
$ 458
$ 567
$ 2,649
$ 2,290
Property Tax
$ 5,400
$ -
$ -
$ 2,896
$ 2,700
$ 4,000
$ 555
$ 199
$ 2,522
$ 1,831
$ 3,500
$ 292
$ -
$ 278
$ 1,456
$ 3,500
$ 292
$ 271
$ 1,905
$ 1,456
$ 3,000
$ 250
$ 86
$ 901
$ 1,250
Dining Out
$ 2,200
$ 183
$ 583
$ 1,684
$ 917
Home Improvement
$ 1,500
$ 125
$ 256
$ 689
$ 625
$ 1,500
$ 125
$ 77
$ 389
$ 625
$ 1,300
$ 90
$ 218
$ 638
$ 450
$ 1,100
$ 92
$ 84
$ 249
$ 458
Cash Withdrawals
$ 1,000
$ 83
$ -
$ 300
$ 417
Home Insurance
$ 700
$ -
$ -
$ 725
$ 700
Personal Care
$ 450
$ 38
$ 50
$ 220
$ 188
$ 400
$ 33
$ -
$ 1,125
$ 167
$ 200
$ 17
$ -
$ -
$ 83
$ 150
$ 13
$ -
$ 147
$ 63
$ 35,400
$ 2,645
$ 2,390
$ 17,317
$ 15,675
What We Bought in May
Groceries, Gas, and Dining Out
I normally don't talk about these categories, but they were all inflated this month by our travels, especially dining out. I could categorize some of these as travel expenses, but I'm not that worried about it.

We bought an additional garage door remote, a shelf for our freezer, a sweet sleeve for my key fob so I don't accidentally press buttons in my pocket, and a nifty device to let me preserve growler beer.
Home Improvement
We bought a string trimmer to clear the weeds on our lot. I bought what I hope is a nice one because our city requires us to trim the weeds every year as fire abatement. I borrowed a friend's last year, but I didn't want to do that again because it didn't work very well and I don't want to be a mooch.
We paid for mommy-and-me classes in the fall.
We bought a new swimsuit and water shoes for Frugal Babe. Chrissy also got a couple garments she needed.
Personal Care
We went totally crazy in this category this month, buying bug repellent, allergy medicine, disposable diapers (for nighttime and travel), and a nice hairbrush to tame Frugal Babe's occasional rat's next.
How did you do on your budget in May? Let us know in the comments.
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