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October 26, 2016

The Personal Finance Blog Charity Challenge (Updated 3X)

Image from Charity Motors
I just read Mr. Money Mustache’s post about donating $100,000 to charity and I got excited. Not just about the money he is donating, which will surely do much good, but also about the publicity he is bringing to the organizations he decided to donate to. I suspect this publicity will multiply the effects of his giving, so I have a challenge for my fellow personal finance bloggers that will hopefully do even more good.

Several months ago, we added a new section to our “Recommendations” page. We didn’t stick it down at the bottom of the page, beneath a sea of affiliate links either. We put it right at the top. That section is for charities we believe in and recommend everyone donate to.

I officially challenge all personal finance bloggers to follow our lead and add a recommended charities section to their sites, as prominently as possible.

(I also challenge myself to make as many bloggers aware of this challenge as I can)

I know most of us are frugal to the max, but this doesn’t have to cost you anything, so join in and do some good.

Everyone out there in the blogosphere, please accept this challenge and spread the word, then let me know what you’ve done in the comments.

Update (11/8):
I will start by recognizing the only other personal finance blog I could find that prominently discusses charity, which is Physician on FIRE. They donate half of the proceeds from their site to charity. Bravo.
Update (11/9): It turns out The Wealthy Accountant has done a post on his favorite charities as well.
Update (11/18):  I've learned Financially Alert does an annual charity post and I actually inspired Picky Pinchers to do a charity post of their own.

As for the challenge I issued to myself, it took me a while, but I completed it by contacting over 40 blogs (via their contact forms, email, or Facebook) and informing them of our challenge.

Here's the blogs I contacted. I encourage everyone to peer pressure them and any other blogs to participate in the Charity Challenge.

1500 Days to Freedom
Abandoned Cubicle
Apathy Ends
Brave New Life
Brooklyn Bread
Budgets are Sexy
Can I Retire Yet?
Debt Discipline
Dividend Mantra
Early Retirement Extreme
Even Steven Money
FI Fighter
Fiery Millennials
Finance Superhero
Financial Samurai
Freedom 35
Freedom with Bruno
Frugal Woods
Go Curry Cracker
Grasshopper Retires Early
Mad FIentist
Michael James on Money
Mike and Lauren
Millennial Boss
Millennial Revolution
Mixed Money Arts
Mr Crazy Kicks
Mr. Tako Escapes
Our Next Life
Retire by 40
Root of Good
Sydney Lagier
The Firestarter
The Green Swan
Think Save Retire
Zero Cost Kids

Charity Recommendation
Clean Water for All
Most of us take clean water for granted, but there are millions of people out there who don't have access to safe water, and without that, life cannot flourish. An organization called charity: water aims to help those people secure clean, safe water so they can thrive.
Donate and help them provide water for a few more people. Best of all, 100% of your donation goes directly to clean water projects.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Really like this idea. I actually wrote a bit about this recently too (and before MMM did even... hah...!) here:

    I was trying to crowd source the best charities and the same ones seem to come up again and again on the MMM post as well.

    I'll check out the charity: water - sounds like a good and effective charity!

    Will also put up my fav ones in the recommended part of my page as well, that is also a great idea.

